Thursday, June 21, 2007

Red Light Scameras

These cameras are creating a big stir, aren't they.

The ironic thing is that these are in place to make the city safer. Yet they seem to be only at intersections where there is a high instance of red light running. A camera is not going to prevent someone from running a red light. A police car near the intersection will prevent it. Even a fake one.

Also, there is evidence that the city has reduced the duration of the yellow light to catch people speeding, at these intersections. Hmm, talk about a speed trap. This just reeks of small town parish's back east. Hell, even Boss Hogg didn't do this to the Duke boys.

There are a couple other sites out there, that have started long before mine, that are asking for the recall of Mayor Chavez. I suggest you head over there, check them out and join the fight to get rid of this mayor.

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